An Evening at the Farm | Photographer: Corry-lyn O’Hara

What does feeling supported look like to you?

Here are some of the ways I feel it in my life.

Mother Earth’s solidity under my feet.
The expectant density of the air before a storm hits.
Drinking peppermint tea while warming my fingers.
The weight of a paw resting on my knee.
Hearing birdsong in the glow of evening light.
Being seen and heard by a good friend.
Real hugs that I’ve learned to lean into completely.
Listening to the inner wisdom sourced from beyond.
Befriending it all, the heartache and the heartfull,
noticing and holding the feelings with curiosity.
Letting others in, feeling their grace and watching the simple blessings land.
Having a good cry, releasing what needs to be aired out.
Moving, breathing, being.
Feeling the Universe catch me when I fall.

We all need to feel supported sometimes. However it isn’t always in the ways we assume. You may be surprised once you really start looking. What are the ways in which you can let yourself feel supported this month?

If you are inspired by these words or discover other ways to feel supported, share them here and/or with the special ones in your life!

Happy June!

Founder and Mental Health Therapist, Mindful Mare Wellness