Healing and Honoring Our Wombs

Welcome Sweet Women to this sacred circle!

We will gather as our grandmothers did for centuries past and time immemorial, in the red tent, moon lodges and around the fire.

This Womb Stories Circle will be a gentle meditative portal into a deeper connection with your womb. Following a gentle breath and body practice, you’ll be guided into a meditative journey to meet Divine Mother in your womb. On this journey, you will meet the immaculate love that exists there for all of us.

Following this journey, we will open the Womb Stories Circle, where we each have an opportunity to share the stories that matter to us, which might include our first blood, where we may be journeying on the womb continuum, and our fears and desires as women. As you share your story, you feel what it means to be the wise woman of your womb and you are held tenderly in this gathering of women. In this way, you begin the journey of knowing and being guardian of your womb – dipping into her ancestral wisdom and messages for your healing.

We end with singing and dancing in nature, as we connect to Mother Earth and into our bodies.


Date + Time: Sunday, July 7, 10 – 11 am (time subject to change)
Location: Bloom Tent, Wild Roses Festival

*Only 13 spots available*

Investment: $33