Photo Credit: Glareann Photography

Autumn is my favorite time of year for so many reasons.

As Nature sheds Her summer robes and the fall colors of ruby red and burnt gold emerge, my heart lightens in anticipation of the seasons changing.

Nature can be a gentle teacher.

As seasons change, She shows us the constancy of change. Of letting go.

Letting go can stir feelings of sadness as we cling to what once was.

But letting go can also be transcendent.

When we let go of what no longer works, we make room for whatโ€™s more aligned to land.

Alignment feels real and is sometimes unpleasant.

However, when we welcome in what feels aligned with our values, we inevitably become more deeply connected to our Higher Selves. We feel authentic.

As you shift into the spirit of fall, this is an invitation to allow change.

Surrender to the flow, hold on to your heart and what feels aligned and you may find that an abundance of support and opportunity knocks at your door.

When we shed the old, the new can finally come in.

It can feel painful and there is always room for self compassion for how you navigate the flow.

Can you release one thing that no longer serves you, while bringing patience and curiosity for what may arise?

Share the experience here if you feel called to.๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚

Founder and Mental Health Therapist, Mindful Mare Wellness