Healing and Honoring Our Wombs

Welcome Sweet Women to this sacred circle!

This is a devotional offering to you women who are wanting to drop into yourself, forge a new relationship with your body- your womb, heart, yoni. We carry so many stories in flesh and bone. 

Your stories deserve to be heard, to be witnessed, and for you to expand and move beyond these experiences as you choose and at your own pace.

A Womb Story Circle is a two hour online gathering of women. You are guided through ceremonial somatic practices, meditative journeys into your beautiful body, and then space is opened with the invitation to share your stories. Stories of the ways you’ve felt uplifted or let down by your womb space, of being a woman, experiences of pleasure and pain. Or anything else your body wants to share, pure and innate, trusting that she will be held by you and by all of us.

Allowing your flesh and bones to have a voice, for your words to be seen and heard and known. 

Letting yourself be witnessed, letting yourself be held. 

We then enter an integrative closing which includes journaling prompts and ideas for ways to tend to and love your body in the weeks to come. You are supported with written materials emailed to you after the gathering.


These 2-hour virtual sessions are drop in and space is limited to 12 women per gathering, so that all women are safe and deeply held in my presence and by other sisters in their midst.

Upcoming dates will be posted here on our website and on instagram/facebook.

Upcoming Date(s):

  • Wednesday, July 31, 6:30-8:30 pm MT

Investment: $12/gathering