In Devotion Program2024-07-08T17:48:25+00:00

Discover a Deeper Connection with Your Womb

and Reclaim Your Body’s Wisdom and Joy

Do you feel disconnected from your womb or pelvic space? Or do you experience numbness or pain here without knowing why? Would you like to feel more?

Some of us feel let down by our wombs/pelvic spaces because of past violations, losses and/or pain during our cycles.

Other women are like I was not so long ago.

I was disembodied.

Only remembering my womb when I was bleeding.

Assuming that a true womb connection was only for women birthing children. Not for me.

But my womb practices CHANGED EVERYTHING!

I began feeling sensations- a full range of feelings.

Yes, there was tension and tenderness, but also ease and thawing.

Feeling the potential for increased vitality and pleasure.

Feeling connected to my womb space by tending to her IN DEVOTION.

This is the start of a lifelong journey of healing and self-discovery.


Instead of feeling let down by your womb, feeling into how she could support you on your wellness journey?

Stepping into allyship with your womb and pelvic space, so your body finally feels safe enough to let go and just be?


IN DEVOTION is an 8 week container for women seeking to build a deeper curiosity and reverence for their bodies, in particular for the womb or pelvic space.

This is a program for anyone wanting to:


feel more embodied- IN BODY


feel moments of compassion for what your womb has experienced so far in life


access the possibilities of vitality, pleasure and creativity that come with knowing your womb space


lessen the shame, fear and stuck stories about this part of your body, instead making room for thawing and mobility

The Details

Join us for 2 hour zoom calls for 8 weeks (a total of 8 calls)!

September 17 – November 12
Zoom Calls on: Sept 17 & 24; Oct 1, 8, 22, & 29; Nov 5 & 12

These are my Sacred Commitments to all of the women entering this space:

  • “All of you”, as you are, is welcome. You matter and your presence is valued in the web we weave, regardless of how you are showing up energetically, physically or emotionally.
  • You are sacred and your body deserves to receive appreciation and devotion. This program is called IN DEVOTION because it is a time and place for you to remember you are precious. Your body has experienced so much and deserves compassion and gentle tending.
  • Your sacred and unique pace, what your body feels is “right” for you at any moment, is always prioritized. You are the wise woman expert of your body and you decide what is needed in any moment of practice and in this container. Your self-agency is respected and celebrated.
  • You will be deeply held and honored in this space. You are welcomed and honored for your choices, and you are always held by me in immaculate space and integrity in this container.



What happens in calls?2024-07-08T17:51:35+00:00

You enter a supportive trauma-informed space where your pace is important, and listening to  your body is emphasized. 

Each call is 120 minutes (2 hours) long. After I open up space, I will guide you in a 60- to 75-minute mindful somatic practice in which you familiarize yourself with different aspects of the body through breath, gentle touch and staying present with curiosity and compassion. The focus will be on the womb space and pelvis, although we will also include the belly, heart and rib cage, breasts and throat/voice.

There are opportunities for journaling and sharing through written words and/or voice in this safe space. You choose what to share and are also welcome to reach out to me for private 1:1 support over the 8 weeks.

Calls are curated to facilitate you witnessing your body in a new way, in this way becoming a conscious guardian of your womb and pelvic space. 

When we relate to our tissues and bones in this way, thawing and softening become possible, as well as seeing your body through kinder eyes.

What are the IN DEVOTION practices?2024-05-29T23:27:29+00:00

There is something precious in trusting the mystery and learning to see with your inner sight (seeing what may be invisible to your eyes, i.e. seeing inwards).

AND it is profoundly tender to place your hands on your skin, and holding and feeling into the bones and tissues of your pelvic space. Exploring sensations with curiosity and compassion.

We will do all of this in IN DEVOTION. 

For those of you curious about whether this program is a fit for you, I will be guiding you in:

  • mindful breathing,
  • settling into your body and pelvic space, 
  • holding and feeling into bony structures in your pelvis and chest wall,
  • belly and womb holding and light massage
  • shamanic journeying into your womb 
  • energetic visualizations such as three-fold flame and heart-womb connection 
  • breast holding and light massage
  • vulva holding
  • exploration of tissues within the vulva and vaginal canal, if you choose to do so
Are these practices safe for everyone?2024-05-29T23:27:55+00:00

Your (emotional and physical) safety is prioritized in this program. The practices shared are generally suitable for women across the womb continuum, including pregnancy and post partum. When certain practices are not recommended for use in menstruation or pregnancy, this will be clearly communicated and modifications will be provided in sessions. Participants can nurture emotional and energetic connection with their pelvis and womb space, regardless of whether their bodies still hold a physical uterus, ovaries and so forth. In other words, all who were born with a womb are able to benefit from this container.

These practices may stir many emotions and memories, and I am here to hold space for whatever arises. Resistance, apprehension or fear can arise, along with appreciation, love, grief and much more. I am available to provide 1:1 support through the program, during and between calls, to hold and support you through such experiences as needed. I also offer pertinent community resources to support you when the need arises.

What are the benefits of these practices?2024-05-30T22:12:50+00:00

While these practices consist of breath, presence and gentle loving touch, they are not self-pleasure practices. There may be increased potential for sexual or physical pleasure as a result of deepened sensation and mobility emerging from the practices; however that is not their main purpose. They are intended to foster a different deeper relationship with your womb space and pelvis.

These practices have physiological, emotional and energetic benefits, such as improved circulation and sensation, decreased stagnation and an increased sense of grounding and body awareness. However, they are not based on “fixing what’s wrong;” they are about being devoted to your body as she is.

Introductory Price

One Payment of

$333 CAD

$244 USD

  • (8) 2 hour zoom calls
  • Podia Portal of content, including weekly audio files of practices
  • Private Signal group chat through the group
  • (1) 60 min 1:1 Discovery Call before the program
  • (1) 90 min 1:1 Womb Stories Session during the program
  • 1 Collective Herd Reading

Pay in full bonus

  • (1) Additional 1:1 Womb Stories Session during the program

3 Monthly Payments of

$111 CAD

$82 USD

  • (8) 2 hour zoom calls
  • Podia Portal of content, including weekly audio files of practices
  • Private Signal group chat through the group
  • (1) 60 min Discovery Call before the program
  • (1) 90 min Womb Stories Session during the program
  • 1 Collective Herd Reading

More expansive payment plans are also available to make IN DEVOTION accessible to all women who are called to be in this space! Please email directly to inquire.

Please note that while transformational to be with your body in this way, IN DEVOTION is not a replacement for medical treatment and/or psychotherapy.

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