IN DEVOTION is an 8 week container for women seeking to build a deeper curiosity and reverence for their bodies, in particular for the womb or pelvic space.

Awakening the Matriarch zoom and in-person program

Coming soon!

WOMB STORIES 1:1 Sessions

During a WOMB STORIES 1:1 session, we are creating some space to witness what we are holding in the womb. I cultivate a sacred space for whatever wants to arise, offer breath and body practices to anchor us into a compassionate presence with our bodies, and you have a chance to explore and feel into the stories you share with me.

Womb Story Circles

A Womb Story Circle is a two hour online gathering of women. You are guided through ceremonial somatic practices, meditative journeys into your beautiful body, and then space is opened with the invitation to share your stories. Stories of the ways you’ve felt uplifted or let down by your womb space, of being a woman, experiences of pleasure and pain. Or anything else your body wants to share, pure and innate, trusting that she will be held by you and by all of us.


Grounding and Energy Clearing Meditation for Stress + Anxiety